Can I sell my house if it has a restriction on it? Yes, but it adds a lot of complications and can make the already stressful process more stressful. Here’s all you need to know. What does a restriction mean when it comes to selling your home A person selling a property with a restriction on it must make …
Can I sell my house without the deeds?
You can sell your property without the deeds, but you do need to prove that you own it. If you can’t find the deeds to your house or they’ve been destroyed, you’re going to have to get in touch with the Land Registry. The majority of homes in England and Wales are registered here electronically with digital copies held instead …
How long does a HomeBuyers survey take?
Buying a home rarely comes cheap. So it’s only right you know exactly what you’re getting when parting with such a large sum of money. A HomeBuyers survey can often be the peace of mind that’s worth its weight in gold. But what do they entail, and how long will one take? What is a HomeBuyers survey for? A …
Benefits of selling a house privately
Selling a house privately might sound a little intimidating. It shouldn’t. Plenty of people choose to leave estate agents out of the process. Here’s why: Is it difficult to sell your home without an estate agent? No, it doesn’t have to be. The reason most homeowners choose to sell their house through an estate agent is because they …
What to do if you’ve bought a house with problems not disclosed
Undisclosed problems can be a nightmare for house buyers. Here’s our advice on how to deal with a ‘disclosure dilemma’. So, you’ve discovered issues with your home after purchase – now what? Buying a home can be a stressful enough experience without finding fault with your new property. Even if you carried out a thorough inspection, followed up by …
How To Add Value To Your Home
People have never spent so much time at home. Working from home, homeschooling, holidays in the garden. If the past 12 months have taught us anything, it’s that home is definitely where the heart is. Not surprising then that the amount of property makeovers in 2020 went through the roof as DIY became an escapism from lockdown. Home improvements not only make …
Exchanging Contracts – What can hold up the process?
Exchanging contracts. Two words that can bring so much joy, and yet so much frustration. It’s the moment you’ve spent months waiting for – whether you’re buying or selling a property – the finishing line is in sight. So why are you having to wait that little bit longer? Why does the process of exchanging contracts take time? Exchanging …
Five Property Selling Myths
If you have already been through the house selling process, you will have no doubt heard or read countless dos and don’ts. Even if you have never sold a property before, the chances are you will have been treated to a variety of different tales around how best to deal with the process. Advice can come from all quarters, and …
Property auction in Hull
Property auction in Hull — we explain how it works and the pros and cons in our latest blog. Who tends to sell their house at a property auction in Hull? Anyone can sell their home at auction (Hull or elsewhere in the UK) but this route tends to be most popular amongst those either looking for a fast …
Selling Your House in Hull – FAQs
The covid-19 pandemic forced us all to stop and literally stay indoors. Without downplaying the severity of the virus and the many lives that it has already affected across the world, quarantine life has had it upsides: for many, it’s been a chance to reflect and re-evaluate what they actually want out of life with covidivorvces and coronababies representative of …