A house will undoubtedly be one of the biggest purchases you make in your lifetime. It only makes sense then that you would want to do all you can to protect such a large investment. What actually could reduce the value of your home? There are a number of factors that go into how much a property is …
Should I sell my house before buying a new one?
Selling your home before buying another doesn’t, on the surface, sound like the smartest of moves. For many though, it makes perfect sense. Here’s why: Why would you want to sell your house before having another one lined up? Homeowners, traditionally, like to have a new house lined up before taking the plunge and selling their current residence. This …
How to make your home eco-friendly in 2022
Have you been wondering how to make your home eco-friendly? This article will delve into how you can join ‘Team Green’ by turning your home into an eco-friendly house of the future. It’s 2022 — Time to make your home as environmentally friendly as possible! The topic of climate change and global warming is now inescapable. While planet-wide pollution …
Can I sell my home to avoid repossession?
Yes, you can sell your home to avoid repossession. Thousands of homeowners across the country fall into mortgage arrears every year leading to the very real threat of repossession. If it doesn’t look like your financial situation is going to improve any time soon then selling up may be your best option. Selling a property offers a chance to pay …
How much money do you keep? Hull Cash Buyers vs Estate Agents
With so many options available to sellers nowadays getting the best advice can, literally, be worth its weight in gold. Two of the most popular ways to sell are through property cash buyers and estate agents. This article outlines the differences between the two. Is selling with estate agents always the right choice? ‘Do I need estate agents to …
What should I declare when selling my home?
Selling your house can be stressful business. Broken property chains. No real control over the process. Tracking down solicitors. The actual move. ‘What should I declare when selling my house?’ is therefore probably not high up on a seller’s list of concerns. Here’s why it should be. When it comes to selling your home, leave no stone unturned …
The Best Places to Live in Hull
Hull is a place very much on the up. If you live here, you probably don’t need us to tell you that. There’s a strong feel-good factor around our beautiful city. We know this because we’re constantly inundated with requests about the area – from people looking to move here, to lifetime Hull homeowners wanting a change of scenery. Luckily, …
Should you raffle your home?
Once upon a time, the best prize you could hope to win on a raffle was a hamper. Now people are winning actual houses on them in what is becoming an increasingly popular selling method. So should you raffle your home? Here we look at the pros and cons to raffling a house, and why more people are looking into it. …
How to reduce stress when selling your home
Ask anybody to make a list of stressful life events, and you can be sure that moving house will be right up there. New job. New baby. Divorce. Selling house. Oh, and watching England play football. Five potential blood boilers right there. But what is it about selling a house that’s so stressful? Why is selling a home a …
Can You Sell A House After 1 Year? Guide for UK Residents
Buying a house is a huge commitment. For a lot of buyers it’s a near life-long one. For some though, the landing paint hasn’t dried before a ‘for sale’ sign’s going back up. So: is selling a house after 1 year too soon? How soon can you sell a house after buying – is one year too soon? …